19 Mart 2015 Perşembe

An Apple A Day

Good health is preferable to bad health if only for financial reasons.

You can't earn money when you're ill. And, what's more, you need money to pay the doctor.

A good diet is the secret. 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' This is the traditional recipe.

A Scotsman, who had obviously not been eating enough apples, was worried about the cost of seeing a doctor.

'Why don't you go and see Dr Cameron?' his friend suggested. 'Dr Cameron's fee goes down with every consultation. The first time you see him it costs ten pounds. The second time it's only five pounds... and so on.'

The Scotsman was quick to see the advantage of this system. He went straight round to Dr Cameron's surgery...

'Hallo, Dr Cameron, it's me again!'

To which Dr Cameron replied: 'Keep taking the pills.'

With the price of apples these days, our Scottish friend might feel it's cheaper to go to the doctor!

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