13 Mart 2015 Cuma

Express Delivery

Tim : tim
Mrs Patel : mrs patel

How much does it cost to send this ireland, Mrs Patel ?
Put in on the scales.
mrs patel
It Weighs 85 grams.
That's one pounds forty, Tim.
mrs patel
Have you got any new stamps ?
There is a new 60p stamp.
It's got a picture of Lord Byron on it.
mrs patel

Can I have one ?
Do you collect stamps?
mrs patel
Yes. British and Commonwealth.
I can give you lots of Indian stamps.
mrs patel
Thank you. Oh, Mrs Patel.
When will my letter arrive.
It takes about three days to Ireland.
mrs patel

It's my friend's birthday on
Wednesday and this is present.
You can send it by
Express Delivery, if you want.
Or you can keep your fingers crossed!
mrs patel

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