14 Mart 2015 Cumartesi

Which One?

Sam Lovat : Peter Broom :
Charlie Smile :

Sam Lovat
Do you see who I see ?
No, who ?
Peter Bloom
Sam Lovat
Over there by the window...
It's Charlie Smiles.
Which one is he ?
Peter Bloom
Sam Lovat
The fat one.
They're all fat.
Peter Bloom
Sam Lovat

There are two men wearing
electric blue suits.
Charlie's the one
with the fat cigar.
Oh, the bald one.
Peter Bloom
Sam Lovat

That's right.
I don't like the look of him.
Peter Bloom
Sam Lovat

I wonder what he's doing here.
Are you going to speak to him ?
Peter Bloom
Sam Lovat

You don't have any choice.
He's seen you.
Peter Bloom
Sam Lovat

Is he coming over ?
Peter Bloom
Charlie Smile

Good afternoon, Mr Lovat.
Long time no see.
I have nothing to
say to you, Charlie.
Sam Lovat

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