7 Mart 2015 Cumartesi

Stop In The Name Of The Law !

One hot summer evening a call went out to the police patrol cars. Someone had been mugged. The suspect was tall and he was wearing a leather jacket.

Police Constable John Miller saw a man who fitted the description. He was standing outside a Wimpy Bar eating a hamburger.

P.C Miller got out of the patrol car and walked towads the man with the hamburger.

Suddenly the man threw down his hamburger and ran. P.C Miller gave chase.

'Stop!' he shouted. But the man with the leather jacket continued running.

He ran fast. But P.C Miller ran faster. He soon caught him.

'I haven't done anything wrong,' the man protested.

'If you have a clear conscience,' P.C Miller said, 'why do you run when you see a police officer?'

'It's just a coincidence,' the man said. 'My doctor has told me to go for a run every evening after cating.'

'And what did you think when you saw a police officer running after you?'

'I just thought perhaps you had been to see the same doctor!'

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