26 Nisan 2015 Pazar

Farming in Britain

Broadly speaking the British Isles are hilly on the left and flat on the right. The weather is wetter on the left and sunnier on the right.

For any geography teachers who may be reading this the west is on the left and the east is on the right.

The fact is that the wet, Atlantic winds have lost a lot of their rain by the time they get to the east of England.

Crops grow best in the eastern counties and animals do well on the rich grasslands of the west.

Although farming provides jobs for only two or three per cent of the population, it is one of the most important industries in Britain.

It is highly mechanized and very efficient. The land today produces fifty per cent more food than it did twenty years ago.

Cows produce more milk. Hens produce more eggs. And farmers can get three tons of grain from one sackful.

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