16 Nisan 2015 Perşembe

Those Poor Fish

Mrs Bennett
Tim, I've got a bone
to pick with you.
What's the matter,
Mrs Bennett ?
Mrs Bennett
Your cat wants to eat
my goldfish.
Oh, dear, I'm sorry.
Mrs Bennett

He keeps coming
into my garden
and sitting by the pond.
And he stares at
the goldfish.
I'm very worried.
I don't think
he could catch them,
even if he tried.

Mrs Bennett
Those poor fish..
must be terrified.
I'm sure they're safe,
as long as they stay
in the water.

Mrs Bennett

How would you like it
if a great big cat
kept staring at you ?
Maybe my cat is just
fascinated by fish.
Mrs Bennett

Of course he is.
Cats love fish
that's what they eat !
This is no laughing matter,
I'm sorry, Mrs Bennett.
I'll have a word with him.

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