28 Nisan 2015 Salı

Watch Out! There' A Thief About!

No jackdaw can get at the Queen of England's jewels. they spend most of their time locked behind heavy plate glass in a heavily protected room in one of the oldest fortresses in the country-the Tower of London.

So unless the Queen gets mugged on her way to the Opening of Parliament (one of the rare occassions when she wears them), the Crown Jewels are fairly safe.

Thousands of people queue every day to take a look at this magnificent priceless collection. There are diamonds the size of walnuts, rubies as big as fat strawberries and pounds and pounds of gold.

Wearing the Coronation crown must have been like carrying a pile of encyclopaedias on her head.

Actually no one is allowed to stand in front of the showcases. The queue has to keep moving-presumably to stop anyone throwing a brick through the glass.

Thieves are drawn to the Crown Jewels like wasps to a pot of jam. But it's not the crown or the sceptre that they want, it's the visitors' handbags and wallets.

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