10 Nisan 2015 Cuma

I'd Like To Thank Everybody


This is a wonderful occasion.

Here we are in the new factory
and it's a wonderful place.

I'd like to thank everybody
for everything they've done.

I'd like to thank the builders,
the painters, the architects,
and, of course, the staff of Lovat
Perfumes we can all feel
proud of ourselves.

I'd like to tell you a story now.
There was once an old lady.
And she kept goats.

One day her billy-goat was ill.
So she called the vet.

'Your billy-goat has got a cold'
the vet said. 'You must keep him warm'

'All right' the old lady said.
'I'll put him in my bed.'

'Good God', said the vet.
'What about the smell ?'

'Too bad' the old lady replied.
'He'll have to get used to it !'

Ladies and gentlemen,
everybody needs perfume.
And if everything goes
according to plan,
it's our perfume that they will want.

I'd like to drink a toast
to Lovat Perfumes and the new factory.

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