25 Nisan 2015 Cumartesi

A Scottish Solution

The Scots have a reputation for prudence and frugality. They are not the sort of people who make a habit of losing their wallets. But is does happen.

The following announcement appeared in the Glasgow Herald recently:

"Lost in Sauchiehall Street, a black leather wallet containing family photograps, identity documents and five hundred pounds in notes.

The finder is asked to keep the photos and documents, but to return the money to which I am attached for sentimental reasons."

One evening in a restaurant in Edinburgh a man stood up and exclaimed:

"I've just lost my wallet. There's a hundred pounds in it. I'll give five pounds to the person who finds it and returns it to me."

From the other side of the restaurant a man in a kilt called out:

"I'll give six!"

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