11 Nisan 2015 Cumartesi

If I Joined The Firm


You're the obvious person, Peter.
Nobody knows as much about
the business as you do.
And nobody could do the job
as well as you.
It's nice of you to say so, Diana
but the idea is crazy.
Sam's my oldest friend, it's true.
But I couldn't possibly
work for him.

Why on earth not ?
I'd go mad...
You know what Sam's like !
As long as I'm his accountant
I can boss him about.
But if I joined the firm,
Sam would be the boss
I don't think I'd like that.


No, seriously, Peter..
He's an excellent employer
and he would give you
a very good deal.
I know he would, Diana.
But I like being my own boss.
I've got a pretty successful
accountacy practice here in
Oxford and
I don't want to give it up.

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