9 Mayıs 2015 Cumartesi

A Common Language

The British and Americans are divided by a common language somebody once said. And there certainly are differences between Americans and British English.

In England yo walk on the pavement; In the United States you keep on the sidewalk. Uncle Sam puts gasolene in his car, while the English fill up with petrol. New York is linked to Chicago by railroad; whereas a railway takes you from London to Manchester.

There are plenty of differences, but the most striking is the difference of accent. All in all the American accent is more nasal and they tend to pronounce the letter 'r' when an Englishman usually doesn't in a sentence like this, for example: 'Can you park your car in the dark?'

But what kind of American are we talking about? And what kind of Englishman ? There are dozens of different dialects in the British Isles, and more in the United States.

A Londoner often finds it easier to understand an American than someone from the Nort East of England. And in New York a man from Oxford is no easily understood than a Texan.

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