1 Mayıs 2015 Cuma

Sigmund Freud Lived Here

Sigmund Freud used to live at 20 Maresfield Gardens, Hampstead, London N.W.3.

Since the great psycho-analyst died in 1939, this information is not even interesting to his postman. However, turn the information the other way round and it is a completely different matter.

The interesting thing about Maresfield Gardens is that Freud used to live tehere.

One of the joys of walking in London is to see the blue plaques which mark the houses where famous people lived.

A quiet, elegant street in Chelsea with its carefully tended gardens, turns out to be where Draculla was written.

A small house near Victoria Station has a plaque commermorating the fact that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his first symphony there - at the age of eight.

History takes on a different perspective when you imagine a famous man walking out of the front door that you are looking at.

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