19 Mayıs 2015 Salı

Marriage British Style

True lovers don't need a good carriage to take them to the church-or even a Rolls Royce. This old Cockney song is nown and sung all over England:

"Daisy, Daisy.

Give me your answer,do.

I'm half crazy.

All for the love of you.

It won't be a stylish marriage

- I can't afford a carriage.

But you'll look sweet

Upon the seat

Of a bicycle made for two. "

But a wedding is a special occasion and most families spend a lot of money to clebrate it. They hire big cars to carry the bride and groom, and they invite all their friends and relations to a reception afterwards.

The bridgeroom arrives first at the church with his best man. He is usually the groom's best friend. He acts as a steadying influence on the nervous groom - makes sure that he does not lose the ring and checks the soles of his new shoes to see that he is not displaying a price tag as he kneels in front of the congregation.

The bride arrives late with her father and her bridesmaids.

At the reception afterwards champagne is drunk, a monumental cake is eaten, and uncles make nostalgic and sentimental speeches. The bridegroom thanks everyone for coming. And the best man makes a funny speech.

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