11 Mayıs 2015 Pazartesi

A Lot Of Soap!

The little bar of soap in your hotel bathroom is all part of the service. But it's big business for somebody.

Look at it this way. The buyer for an English chain of hotels calculates that the avarage guest stays for 1.6 nights. (That doesn't mean that he pack his bags at three o'clock in the morning on the the second night. It just means that guests sometimes stay one night, and they sometimes stay two.)

Every guest gets a new bar of soap.

The hotel probably works at about seventy per cent of capacity. In other words, in a hotel with a hundred bedrooms, seventy of the rooms are occupied all the time.

In one year a hundred-bedroom hotel needs nearly sixteen thousand bars of soap.

The luxurious Savoy Hotel in London has two hundred bedrooms. Down the road, the Regent Palace has 1032 rooms. The owners of the Regent Palace (Trust House Forte) have two hundred hotels in the United Kingdom - not to mention the eight hundred that they own in the rest of the world.

That's an awful lot of soap.

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