28 Mayıs 2015 Perşembe

Equal Opportunities

Why do dustmen earn less than doctors ?

Most doctors would give several good reasons; and not many dustmen would put the question so radically.

But it cannot be denied that doctors have a satisfying job, they work in congenial surroundings and they enjoy considerable social status. Some would argue that this was enough, and that dustmen, who enjoy none of these advantages, should be compensated with a higher salary. But no doubt there are other factors.

Why do women earn less than men ?

Feminists of oth sexes wish that did not. And there is legislation in England to ensure that women and men who do the same job should be equally paid - and that men and women who do equivalent work should also take home the same pay.

But equivalent is a difficult word to define objectively. There are jobs, like nursing and secretarial work, which are traditionally done by women. How do you compare qualities such as efficiency and a sympathetic approach to people, with a typical male quality like physical strength ?

While the legislators have not answered that question,dustmen still earn less than doctors, but they get a lot more than nurses.

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