22 Mayıs 2015 Cuma

The Welsh

In the year 1415 a welsh soldier took a Londoner by the collar and forced him to eat a raw leek.

The Londoner had been mocking his Welch accent and insulting his national emblem, the leek.

The Welsh today are as proud of their language and their national emblem as they were four hundred years ago when Shakespeare put this scene into his patriotic drama, King Henry V.

But it cannot be denied that the Welsh language and the Welsh accent (when they speak English) are both more beutiful than their national emblem. In fact, nowadays, they usually wear a daffodil, not a leek, on the day of their patron saint, St. David.

St David is called St. Dewi in Welsh. His day is March 1st, but little is known about him except that he probably died in the year 601 AD. According to a mediaeval history book, he was born in 458 AD - which means he was 143 years old when he died!

Apart from a long life he also had a very loud voice. Another mediaeval history book claims that he was made Archbishop of Wales because he was the only bishop who could make himself heard at the back of a large congregation.

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