30 Mayıs 2015 Cumartesi

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and he died in 1616. Not much more is known about his life.

But this has not stopped countless millions of people, in languages that Shakespeare himself newer knew, from thinkng of him as an intimate friend.

His poetry is universal. It transcends both the language in which he wrote, and the time in which he lived. He wrote 34 plays, and they contain some of the finest and most reflective poetry in the world.

In 1609 a London bookseller publiched a collection of 154 sonnets by Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote no preface or introduction. But the sonnets tell the story of this devoted and affectionate friendship for a young nobleman.

They read like a series of letters. In the early poems Shakespeare urges him to marry and to perpetuate his mortal beauty by having a son. The young man is apparently not convinced; so the poet resolves to immortalize his beauty in verse.

The identity of the young nobleman is one of the greatest mysteries of English literature.

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