13 Mayıs 2015 Çarşamba

Wedding Presents

If you are invited to a wedding in England, you send a present to happy couple. If you are not invited you don't - the custom is fairly logical.

Of course, if you think you should have been invited but weren't, you can always embarrass everybody by sending a handsome present anyway.

Close friends and family often give money. And as a rule, other guests give the bride and bridegroom something which will be usefull in their new home. (It is usually sent before the wedding day.)

The drawback to this is that a young couple can find themselves with half a dozen teapots, three sets of wine glasses, four bread boards and crystal fruit bowl - but no knives and forks.

A lot of engaged couples make a list of the things that they need. They don't send it out with the invitations. But if you want to avoid being the unwary giver of the twenty - fifth flower vase, it's a nice idea to ask for it.

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