25 Mayıs 2015 Pazartesi

Innocent Until Proved Guilty

Law Courts

Film makers love the law courts. They are perfect dramatic setting. The scenery is impressive, the costumes are stylish, and there is suspense.

The performers are the two barriseters (Counsel for the defence and Counsel for the prosecution), the prisoner, the judge and the twelve members of the jury.

The Counsel for the prosecution sets out what he intends to prove. Then he calls his witnesses and they give their evidence.

The barrister defending the prisoner then cross-examines the witnesses. His intention is to establish his client's innocence. Finally, the counsel for the prosecution re-examines the witnesses in order to prove his case.

The whole procudure is repeated in with the defence witnesses.

If the prisoner has pleaded 'not guilty' he is assumed to beinnpcent until he contrary is proved. The jury has to decide on one thing only - the moment of suspense in courtroom films - whether the prisoner is guilty or not.

It is left to the judge to decide on the punishment.

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