12 Mayıs 2015 Salı

The Savoy

Statesmen go to Claridge's, businessmen stay at the Hilton. But actors and artists take rooms at The Savoy.

The savoy of London is the most famous hotel in the world. Winston Churchill used to eat there every week when he was in London. Johann Strauss once played waltzes in the restaurant. And the Prince of Wales-later King Edward VII dined there regulary on frogs legs his favourite dish.

The great Escoffier invented Peach Melba for the opera singer, Nellie Melba, while she was at the Savoy. And for the French actress, Sarah Bernhardt, he created Poularde Belle Helene.

The hotel was built by Richard D'Oyly Carte, the impresario behind Gilbert and Sullivan.

He had already built a theatre for their hugely successful comic operas.

When D'Oly Carte found that American hotels were so much better than anything in London, he decided to build the best hotel in the world. In 1889 he opened The Savoy.

It overlooks the Thames between the Houses of Parliament and Waterloo Bridge. And it still has its own theatre.

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