11 Mayıs 2015 Pazartesi

A Parson's Rassion

The Reverend Henry Morgan hid his excitement. He left the church quietly and walked home. He hung-up his cassock and put on an oil-stained pair of overalls.

The year was 1910. An Anglican vicar in Worcestershire was about to test-drive the car that his son had built (Church of England vicars are allowed to marry). It had three wheels and was driven by a chain. The front suspension was his own invention. And he was worldly enough to patent it.

Friends and parishioners were so nthusiastic that they begged him to build cars for them too. And that was the beginning of Morgan cars. Morgans are still built by hand in Worcestershire. The company is run by the old parson's family. And they still have the same front suspension. They got rid of the chain ages ago, and added an extra wheel in 1949. A hundred or so people turn out about nine cars a week.

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