22 Mayıs 2015 Cuma

A Rip-Off

In some restaurants (not the best) the waiter gives you your bill but he does not take your money. You pay at the cash desk on your way out.

This way the management can be sure that nobody slips out while the waiter's back is turned - without paying.

But these restaurants have had to find ways of preventing a new trick.

A penniless student goes in and orders a meal. He spares no expense asking for soup, a starter, a main course, dessert, cheese - whatever takes his fancy.

As he nears the end of his meal, another student comes in and sits at this table. He orders a coffee and reads a book. The two students are apparently complete strangers. When the bills come they exchange them surreptitiously. The first student leaves the restaurant and pays for the coffee as he passes the cash desk.

A few minutes later, this second student picks up the bill for the meal and exclaims that he has only had a coffee. Of course he only pays for the coffee that he had.

He then joins his friend round the corner, and together they look for another restaurant.

That way they both get a meal.

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