3 Mayıs 2015 Pazar

What is 'The City'

One of the popular myths about Britain is that all the men wear bowler hats - hard round affairs, usually black.

In fact, most Enlishmen don't wear hats at all and bowlers are a rare sight. Some visitors find this disappointing.

But there is a place where you can see a bowler hat on almost every head - the City.

Greater London, which is nearly 48 kilometres across contains two cities.The City of Westminster is where the Queen lives and the Houses of Parliament are.

The City (of London) is the other. It is quite small, about 2.5 square kilometres in size. At night it is almost deserted. But by day it is the financial centre of the country and an important part of the international financial community.

Naturally, the people who work there like to inspire confidence. And nothing inspires confidence. And nothing inspires confidence more than a pin-stripe suit and a bowler hat.

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