19 Mayıs 2015 Salı

Coronation Street

Coronation Street is somewhere in the north of England - probably in Manchester. The modest inhabitants are known to every person in England who is blind or under the age of one year old.

There is a pub on the corner called The Rover's Return and a jeans factory close by.

Elsie Tanner works in the jeans factory. She had has lot of husbands and has a heart of gold. Everyone likes her except Hilda Ogden - she disapproves of her men friends.

Hilda Ogden is about sixty. She wears a cheap blue raincoat and her hair in curlers. She is the local gossip. She is married to Stan.

Stan Ogden has always kept away from work as if it might bite him. He has a 'bad back'. He likes to bet on the horses and to drink a pint of beer down at the Rover's Return. Their lodger, Eddie Yates, is a dustman.

Annie Walker runs the Rover's Return. She thinks she is in a class above her customers. If anything goes wrong she clasps her hand to her temples saying: 'I feel a migraine comming on'.

Len Fairclough is reliable, friendly and straightforward. He owns a builder's yard. His wife Rita used to be a singer. Now she works in her newsagent's shop with her assistant Mavis, who is plain, neuroic and lives with a budgerigar.

The activities of these characters are the subject of conversations in buses speculation in pubs and articles in the press. And it is only a television serial.

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