21 Mayıs 2015 Perşembe

Public Schools

There are five major banks in Britain. All five chairmen were educated at Winchester College or Eton College.

The same two schools prduced the editor of The Times, the head of the Home Civil Service, the head of the Foreign Service and the two top men at the BBC - not to mention seven members of the cabinet.

This was the score in the early eighties.

There are about 200 public schools in Britain, and Winchester and Eton are the oldest and most famous.

The name is misleading - they are in fact private, fee - paying schools. Children take an entrance exam to get in and they start at the age of 13. The schools take them as far as university entrance.

Public schools account for about 6% of the school population and are the subject of great debate amongst education reformers.

In the meantime parents spend the equivalent of two thirds of the avarage Englishman's pay packet on the fees for one child.

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