29 Mayıs 2015 Cuma

Arriving in London

When you arrive at London Airport, you are faced with a choice of transport into the centre of town. There is a train, there is a bus, there are taxis (not cheap, unless you are with friends) and there is the usual selection of car-hire firms.

If you arrive during the morning rush-hour it is best to avoid the roads.

But first there are two formalities to deal with Immigration and Customs.

If you are from an ECC country, there is a special immigration desk. There are no forms to fill in, but you will be given a card with the date of entry stamped on it. It is valid for 6 months.

If you are from other country, the immigration officer will want the Landing Card that they gave you on the plane. Visitors to the UK are normally given a visa for 6 months; but they are not allowed to work unless they already have a work permit.

All passengers have to go through Customs. If you have nothing to declare (or if you enjoy the risks of smuggling) take the green door. Otherwise, follow the red signs.

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