2 Mayıs 2015 Cumartesi

A Man's Best Friend

Are the British formal, reserved and unemotional? Or are they kind, loving and demonstrative?

The comic streotype of Englishman who, even in a tropical jungle, dresses correctly for dinner, and who unflinchingly maintains a stiff-upper-lip at all times, has more than a grain of truth in it.

But if a society's attitude to dumb animals shows anything, the British are also the most warm-hearted people on Earth. Between them they keep 5.7 million dogs, 5.2 million cats and 1.8 million budgeriars. That's a combined total of about 13 million pets, or one for every four members of the population.

And that's not counting mice, goldfish or parrots. Feeding this army of animals costs an astonishing £ 526 millon a year.

Perhaps the Britsh are both. Perhaps they keep pets because they are warm-hearted and reserved.

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