15 Mayıs 2015 Cuma

In Case of Fire

A gentleman came down from his hotel bedroom and asked the night porter for a glass of water.

He took it upstairs and reappeared moments later asking for another. The night porter was only too willing to oblige.

When the gentleman came down for the fifteenth time, the porter (a man of no mean intelligence) began to wonder what was going on.

'Hey, you must be very thirsty tonight,' he said by way of conversation. 'I'm not drinking it, actually,' said the gentleman. 'There's a fire in my bedroom.'

Would you know what to do if a fire broke out in your home ?

Close all doors and keep them shut, especially the door of the room where the fire is. The door will hold back the fire for as long as 20 minutes - long enough to get everyone out of the house.

Then call the fire-brigade.

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